

Hi again!!! Today I started my course in the CORK LANGUAGE CENTRE.

And I met my new teacher. Her name is Janet and she is really a nice person.

We don´t have any lessons on Monday afternoons. That´s why after having a quick lunch, we took the bus and spent the whole afternoon in a beautiful coast town named KINSALE. We loved it!!!

Bye bye from Cork...

2 iruzkin:

Anonimoa erabiltzaileak esan du...

Eta Irlandako tea eta tourism timez gain, ba al duzu zerbait kontatzeko zure lanari buruz?
Edo bakarrik tourismo egiteko garaia da?
Eta irlandar gizonak, zer moduz?

FLEMING erabiltzaileak esan du...

Hello Arantxa:
Well you take advantage of the opportunity and learned a lot. The carefully balanced and healthy breakfast.
Ez dakit