Hi again from Cork!!!
Today is Friday and I am already enjoying the weekend. The weather is terrible but there are so many new things to see that we never get bored. Today also and after finishing at school, we have gone by train to another nice small town called MIDDLETON, 20´from our city.
Do you know that in Ireland they have 2 official languages as we have?
Yes, the ENGLISH (you can see the name of the station that is written in English appearing in black colour) and the IRISH (in red colour):
Another funny thing here is that if in GREAT BRITAIN the buses, the old telephone and post boxes are red, here in IRELAND are green!!! Isn´t it funny?
Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday and we don´t have any lessons. We are going on a tour to the South-West of the country!!! We have to wake up very early so I have to leave you.Bye bye...
Hi again!!! Today I started my course in the CORK LANGUAGE CENTRE.
And I met my new teacher. Her name is Janet and she is really a nice person.
We don´t have any lessons on Monday afternoons. That´s why after having a quick lunch, we took the bus and spent the whole afternoon in a beautiful coast town named KINSALE. We loved it!!!
Bye bye from Cork...
And I met my new teacher. Her name is Janet and she is really a nice person.
We don´t have any lessons on Monday afternoons. That´s why after having a quick lunch, we took the bus and spent the whole afternoon in a beautiful coast town named KINSALE. We loved it!!!
Bye bye from Cork...
I already arrived to this beautiful green country after a long, long journey. Everything started in the airport of Loiu next to Bilbao yesterday Saturday:
And finally I arrived to my destination...
Sorry, this is not a 100% true! I took a mini-bus and after 4 hours, I was in Cork ( the 2nd biggest city of this country and the place that from tomorrow on I´m going to stay and do an English course for the next 2 weeks):
Today it was Sunday and after having a nice Irish breakfast we visited the city.
In the afternoon we decided to go to a small village named Cobh where the famous ship TITANIC began its journey to America for its first and last time.
And tomorrow will be Monday, my first day at the school. I will be in contact with you to inform you about everything. See you!!!
I already arrived to this beautiful green country after a long, long journey. Everything started in the airport of Loiu next to Bilbao yesterday Saturday:
And finally I arrived to my destination...
Sorry, this is not a 100% true! I took a mini-bus and after 4 hours, I was in Cork ( the 2nd biggest city of this country and the place that from tomorrow on I´m going to stay and do an English course for the next 2 weeks):
Today it was Sunday and after having a nice Irish breakfast we visited the city.
In the afternoon we decided to go to a small village named Cobh where the famous ship TITANIC began its journey to America for its first and last time.
And tomorrow will be Monday, my first day at the school. I will be in contact with you to inform you about everything. See you!!!
Eskolak daukan blog baten izen aldaketaren berri ematera gatoz.
Orain arte www.fleming6maila.blogspot.com izeneko blogak www.flemingoizikloa.blogspot.com izena izango du. Modu horretan 5. eta 6. milakoen berri eta lanak ikusteko aukera izango dugu.
Orain arte www.fleming6maila.blogspot.com izeneko blogak www.flemingoizikloa.blogspot.com izena izango du. Modu horretan 5. eta 6. milakoen berri eta lanak ikusteko aukera izango dugu.
Igerabidearen "Masailak" olerkia
3. mailako ikasleek Igerabideri azaldutako olerkia entzun nahi baduzu klikatu laukiaren gainean. Hona hemen “ masailak “ izeneko olerkia.
Batzuetan muasailak…
Muxu ematen didatenean.
Batzuetan fuasailak…
Putz egiten dudanean.
Batzuetan krasailak…
Haserretzen naizenean.
Batzuetan miasailak…
Miaitak eta miamak
Miazkatzen nautenean.
Batzuetan muasailak…
Muxu ematen didatenean.
Batzuetan fuasailak…
Putz egiten dudanean.
Batzuetan krasailak…
Haserretzen naizenean.
Batzuetan miasailak…
Miaitak eta miamak
Miazkatzen nautenean.
3. mailakoak Juan Kruz Igerabidekin
Ikasturtea ondo hasteko 3. mailakoak Adunara joan gara Juan Kruz Igerabide, euskal idazlea, ezagutzera. Bertan, bere olerki eta abesti bat eskaini dizkiogu. Azkenean, Juan Kruzek liburu berri bat oparitu digu.
Bestalde, ikasle batzuk bere etxeko ipuinak eraman dituzte idazleak bertan sinatzeko, argazkian ikus dezakezuen bezala.2011/09/04
Ongi etorriak lagunak!!!!!! eta eskerrik asko...... denon artean beheko arrainak bizirik mantendu dira.
Hementxe gaude 2011-2012 ikasturte berriari hasiera emateko prest.
Egun hauetan irakasleak dena prestatzen ari dira, asteartean merezi duzuen bezalako harrera izan dezazuen.
.....eta seguru aski datozen orduetan sentitzen duzuen urduritasunari aurre egiteko, hemen duzue bideotxo polit bat.
Animoak guztiontzat!!!!
...ea martxa honekin hasten garen guztiok!
Hementxe gaude 2011-2012 ikasturte berriari hasiera emateko prest.
Egun hauetan irakasleak dena prestatzen ari dira, asteartean merezi duzuen bezalako harrera izan dezazuen.
.....eta seguru aski datozen orduetan sentitzen duzuen urduritasunari aurre egiteko, hemen duzue bideotxo polit bat.
Animoak guztiontzat!!!!
...ea martxa honekin hasten garen guztiok!
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